多用途鸽盘是一个多功能的舞台魔术道具,外形精美易于携带,且操作容易。拥有它你就能了解它的实用性与方便性,实在是表演出鸽或出小动物魔术的利器。 多用途鸽盘的多功能用途如下: 1.在多用途鸽盘上面点火后,突然火熄!瞬间就变出了鸽子或兔子。 2.将汽球放置于多用途鸽盘上,汽球突然爆破!瞬间就变出了鸽子或兔子。 3.将脱下的手套,往多用途鸽盘里一丢!瞬间手套就变成了鸽子或兔子。
Balloon/Fire Dove Tray
This ingenious tray is designed for 2 very different presentations:
- You show the empty tray to the audience then it burned automatically and suddenly the flame turn off and a beautiful dove appear from the burning flame.
- In the second version, the magician put the dove in the tray and when the balloon burst it changing to dove. The performance of this item is easy in all the stages.