预言观众的选择是个很常见的心灵魔术效果,而最重要的预言,是不是应该被好好地保存呢?当然找出预言的过程也要充满神奇,这或许就是SAFE PREDICTION预言密码锁诞生的原因。 效果: 魔术师请上三位观众,展示了一个无法打开的保险箱,以及一副牌,并请一位观众洗牌。同时,魔术师晃动牌盒,说“里面有一些东西,需要最后再揭晓”。然后魔术师请观众拿出三张牌,不过最后一张牌要留给洗牌的观众。 前两名观众根据他们的扑克花色点数在保险箱中输入密码。然后由洗牌的观众打开保险箱。那里面有张撕开的纸条,那上面的预测与观众的牌相符!然后拿着牌盒的观众可以打开牌盒,他会发现里面有张撕开的纸,而那张纸与撕开的预测纸条相匹配。 原装、便携、简便……这就是Hugo Valenzuela的SAFE PREDICTION预言密码锁。(你可以在保险箱中预言任何牌)
SAFE PREDICTION by Hugo Valenzuela
Original, portable and easy... three characteristics of this trick!
The magician shows a safe that cannot be opened.
He shows a deck and asks to shuffle for someone.
During this action, shake the box of cards. "Inside there is something that will be revealed at the end."
He gives this to the spectator who shuffles the deck for him to listen to or hand it over to someone else.
Then he asks to hand over three cards from above but last card for him. (the spectator who shuffled the cards)
The first two assistant enters their playing card password in the safe.
Now the assistant who mixes, can open the safe.
Inside he will find a prediction that matches with his card!
But that is not all!
The viewer with the box of cards will open this to check that there is a piece of paper (with a date one day earlier) that matches the prediction paper.
This shows that the prediction was not manipulated by the magician at any time.
(You can set any card in the safe)
This is the Safe Prediction by HUGO VALENZUELA
DEMO: https://youtu.be/N8CSiS9nULA