为了找到这种高性能磁石,我们前后找了半年,终于在日本找到了这种N52磁石, 高性能超薄强磁铁, 国内暂无有厂家生产.
穿越玻璃杯 三枚硬币分别穿过玻璃杯底。
穿越观众手掌 观众握紧三枚硬币,手背朝下,魔术师竟然神奇地从观众的手背上接住了一枚硬币,观众打开掌心只剩下两枚硬币。
餐刀硬币 魔术师双手空空只有一把餐刀,他握紧左拳将餐刀围着拳头绕动了几圈,张开左手,手心里出现了三枚摩根币。接着他又再次握紧拳头晃动餐刀,摊开掌心时摩根币全部消失了...
经典移动 空手抓取两枚硬币,分别置于左右手掌心。再次摊开时左手的硬币移动到了右手里。
穿越马克杯 展示一个普通马克杯和一枚硬币,将杯子倒置,硬币置于杯底上方,用力一按,硬币穿过了坚硬的杯底掉落在桌子上。
硬币转移 将三枚硬币放在左手心,双拳握紧,再次打开时有一枚硬币转移到了右手里,紧接着左手的另外两枚硬币也一一移动到了右手里,最后右手的三枚硬币都消失了。
Mighty Power Coin (Half Dollar) by Oliver Magic
These coins have strong magnetism, even one hundred of cards between them.
Coin through the Glass Three coins penetrate the glass one by one.
Coin through the Spectator's Hand The spectator holds three coins in her closed hand. Without any suspicious moves, the magician extracts a coin through the closed fist. The spectator will no longer trust even their own sense of touch.
Knife Coin Magician shows empty hands and a table-knife. He clenches his fist and shakes the knife, three coins appear. Then he clenches and opens again, all coins vanish.
Classic Movement Magician grabs two coins from the air and places one in each hand. The coin in left hand moves into his right hand.
Coin through the Mug Magician quickly knocks a coin against the bottom of a glass, and the coin penetrates to the inside of the glass.
Coins Transfer Magician shows three coins in his left hand. These coins jump into his right hand one by one, and finally they all vanish.
Includes 2 strong magnetic half dollars and instructional video. Please supply 2 ordinary half dollars by yourself.
Demo: https://youtu.be/etTtdSz1fEU