Mirror Chalice (Acrylic)
This is arguably the most elegant, practical mirror glass on the market with two waterproof load compartments for the popular "liquid to silk" effect.
The Chalice is an elegant, fully etched stemmed acrylic goblet, standing a full 7" tall with a mouth diameter of 2.6 inches. It's big and practical.
The load size is substantial. A carefully folded 36" silk will fit into one of the load sections. And each section will easily accommodate up to 4 ounces of liquid. Remember, both load chambers are water tight!
The mirrored "divider" is custom-extruded acrylic, silvered on both sides, resulting in a near-perfect, front-surface reflection. The top edge of the mirrored divider is slightly below the mouth of the Chalice, to help reduce the risk of "flashing" the gimmick during performance.
Allow the glass to be rotated quickly, easily and surely, with one hand, for appearances, vanishes and transformations.
All packed in a rugged, tuck-flap box.
Volumetric weight (shipment): 0.45kg Actual weight of the product: 0.15kg
Demo: https://youtu.be/3bHQK-xzih8