PCC三重奏(PCC Trio)
硬币魔术的表达总是千奇百怪。硬币魔术里最为代表的几种形制有银币 铜币 古币 以及彩色的筹码,我们在这些样子里挑出了三种反差最大的三款形制来完成这款道具。银币、古币还有筹码。
这款道具特点表演手法要求不高 ,没有特别高难度的技巧就可以表演出从一枚银币瞬间变出有孔的古币还有筹码,甚至筹码可以在消失出现中变换颜色!最后再逐一从手中干干净净的消失。
PCC Trio by Oliver Magic
Various coins can be used in coin magic and the more representative are silver coins, copper coins, ancient coins and colorful chips, but most of the coin sets on the market are made of a single kind of coin. We got inspiration from the classic CSB coin set and selected three contrasting coins - morgan dollar, chinese ancient coin and chip to make up this PCC Trio.
Without difficult sleight of hand, you can perform the routine that a silver coin instantly turns into a chinese ancient coin and a chip, and the chip can even change color when it reappears, finally all coins vanish cleanly from the hands one by one.
Comes with 3 gimmick coins, 3 additional stickers and instructional video.
Demo: https://youtu.be/nTRKDF5ge3w