Dan Harlan,世界上很具创意的魔术师之一,他的这个作品vortex更是充满视觉冲击!效果直观震撼,观众从牌堆中选取一张牌,然后魔术师找出一张同数值的与之配对,将两张牌面对面X形对在一起,慢慢摇晃,你会看见两张牌逐渐融合在了一起!没错!是融合!最后还可以把两张牌分开给观众检查!
1. 非常视觉系的一个牌组道具,手法简单效果震撼 2. 整个表演十分干净 3. 表演完可立即重置准备下一次表演
教学中Dan Harlan将教你这个效果的应用手法以及怎样将其融入到一个扑克流程中去。
Vortex by Dan Harlan
From the creative mind of Dan Harlan comes a bizarre addition to the world of card magic.
Imagine being able to blur the lines of what is real and what is imagined in a simple card effect. With VORTEX you are able to create what can only be described as Real Life Special Effects.
A spectator selects a card while the magician displays the card along with another of the same value. the two become visually connected, stuck in a strange time warp. Was what I just witnessed real? Is it really possible to alter reality with visual proof? We may never know but with Vortex we can make it look like we can.
Vortex is an ingenious gimmick that you can carry with you at all times so you are able to perform this miracle anywhere, any time.
VORTEX - Ends Clean - Easy To Perform - Visual - Unusual
Comes with a gimmick card (blue or red bicycle) and instructional video.
Demo: https://youtu.be/qO0AVCeBKhs