硬币制造器 Coin Maker (Brass)
那么现在我们再一次推出一款经典的口袋魔术《硬币制造器》。向观众展示一颗坚硬无比的纯钢小球,将小球放入盒子用压棒向内按压,小钢球在一瞬间似乎失去了坚硬的外壳变得越来越柔软,最后居然被压成了一枚硬币,所有道具立刻可以全部交给观众检查 。(变出的硬币不一定是1元RMB,也可以是任何国家的硬币,只要硬币直径不超过25.5mm, 厚度1.8mm左右就可以使用)
全套道具包含(钢珠一粒,门子启动装置一套,道具本体一套) (注意不包含普通硬币)
Coin Maker (Brass)
What is the best pocket magic? I think the best pocket magic is that it is not limited to angle and does not require any sleight of hand. The effect is visual and magical and audience can check all items.
So now we launch a classic pocket magic "Coin Maker". Show the audience a hard steel ball. Put the ball into a brass box and press it inward with a solid brass block. The steel ball seems to lose its hard shell and becomes softer and softer, and finally it is pressed into a coin! All items can be handed over to the audience for inspection.
Inclueds a Coin Maker and video instruction.
Please prepare your own coin. The diameter of the coin is no more than 25.5mm and thickness is about 1.8mm, such as US Quater Dollar, Japanese 100 Yen, Russian 10 Ruble, etc.
Demo: https://youtu.be/JTphh4UlCtU