综合了Okito Box和Boston Box的特性,并且升级为无盖无底的设计。
2.0升级版增加了全新的隐蔽门子与新的空间系统, 比起原始的黑门子更不易被发现, 对场地和环境要求极低,近距离实战无压力。
温馨提示: 普通美金五角硬币和大硬币不包括,请自备。
Space Box 2.0 by Oliver Magic
Compared with previous version, this one has a larger and more concealed gimmick. Don't matter any flaw even if your spectators come close.
This is a beautiful piece of apparatus, crafted in solid brass with a black velour carrying bag. The cylinder is open on the top, and has a hole thru the center of its bottom, so when its empty, the spectator can see right thru it.
Four half dollars are placed in the cylinder, and instantly they vanish under the left hand and appear under the right hand. Part Boston box and part Chinatown Half, for those of you familiar with those principles — this is a winner.
Half Dollars could be borrowed, as the box design does all the dirty work for you.
Includes a brass cylinder, gimmicks and full video instrucion.
Please prepare your own half dollars and jumbo coin.