Ultimate Marked Deck(终极单车印记牌)
记号牌一直以来都是非常适合初学者和近阶爱好者使用的一款道具。而Ultimate Marked Deck则同时满足不易被观众察觉但是表演者很好识别的特点,是一款相当好的道具。关于记号牌的用法,可以发挥自己的想象力去创造流程,你一定可以从中领略到记号牌对普通观众的巨大效果。
Ultimate Marked Deck (Bicycle)
Yes, the Ultimate is the marked deck you have been dreaming of!
Manufactured in "Rider Back 808-R" Bicycle Cards by the United States Playing Cards Company.
This is the marked deck you have been waiting for! Identify any card without seeing its face. Read the identifiers of the cards directly without having to mark the card yourself. Yes, No codes, No symbol to interpret, No marking system to learn. Use genuine "Rider Back 808-R" Bicycle Cards without having to mark the cards yourself Hand out the deck without fear of detection. Instant location and direct reading of the marks. All the qualities of the ideal marked deck at long last brought together in the Ultimate Marked Deck.
Demo: https://youtu.be/Tmzh4psLmBc