透视头罩--透视头套(Blind Fold Drive Bag)
这个头罩是当今市场上最好的舞台近景魔术之一。头罩可以让任何观众检查并且试戴。他们将无法透过厚厚的黑布看到任何内容。即使观众扭转它也是一样被蒙住视你看不到任何东西。然而一旦你回到你的手你中就可以通过头罩轻松的看到你想要的正确答案。并且非常很容易执行! 绝对是你近景,舞台互动的最好道具!
Blind Fold Drive Bag
Through the years, magicians have performed many interesting mysteries with their eyes blindfolded. Their eyes have been covered with various articles including bread, dough, coins, wads of cotton, powder puffs, folded paper, sheets of metal, adhesive tape and a variety of cloth blindfolds. But they have still been able to recognize writing, objects at a distance, and even navigate their way about.
You can use the bag supplied for performing almost anything you could do with your eyes open.
black bag is handed to a spectator who is asked to place it over their head.
They attest they can see nothing but black- no light at all.
The magician then takes the bag and places it over his/her head and asks the spectator to write anything (perhaps on a large dry-erase board). The magician is able to write the exact same thing- he must have X-Ray vision!
A Blindfold Drive in which the magician is blindfolded by a committee and drives a bicycle, motorcycle, or automobile around town is an excellent publicity stunt. Properly presented it can make front page news with the picture of the magician.
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S_IekU8gwc