小型通天绳-印度绳篮2.0(Indian Rope 2.0 Trick - Remote Control)
一群印度的苦行僧集合在一起演奏吹笛子,与此同时,一根绳子从地面上缓缓升起。一个年轻的男孩沿着绳子爬上去,绳子居然坚固到可以支撑男孩的重量! 将保持足以支撑他重量的硬度。男孩会爬得很高,直到看不清他,最后消失了。
一张直径约14英寸,高3英尺的三脚架魔术桌上, 摆放着一个空竹篮,竹篮里有一根盘绕绳子。 当表演者吹起手中的葫芦丝时,绳子竟然从篮子里慢慢升起来,又缩下去,又再次升起。 绳子可以升到约30英尺的高度。最后慢慢缩到篮子里。表演者将它拿出像观众展示。
效果还不仅仅这一种。 将绳子的一端放在篮子里面,其他部分挂在外面,魔术师一个手势,绳子便开始慢慢往回“爬”,自己“缩”进篮子里面了。
Indian Rope 2.0 Trick - Remote Control
Famous Indian rope trick is a myth that has never been proven!
The Indian fakir gathered a crowd and played a flute as a rope raised off of the ground and into the air. A young boy would then climb the rope which would remain rigid and strong enough to support his weight. The boy would climb so high, he could not be seen and then vanished.
We now bring you a Most Modern Hi-Tech Electronic Version of this myth.
Show a close-up table with tripod legs and a round top about 14" in diameter through thin look. The table rest 3 feet high, on which you can perform all of your close-up routines. You then show an empty woven basket and place it on the table. a piece of rope about 3 feet long passed out for inspection. The rope is coiled and placed in the basket. As performer play a flute (Snake Charmer’s Flute) the Rope magically rises out of the basket. It can rise a little, then sink back and rise again, completely under your control. The unit which controls the rising and sinking of the Rope is completely under your control! The rope can rise as high as 2 ½ feet (30 Inches). Finally the rope sinks back into the basket. It is removed and shown flexible, can be tossed out for examination.
The rising and sinking device is built into the base of the table. The flute has the transmitter, with very simple 2 buttons controls that make the rope rise or sink, and you can control it from more than a few feet away.
What the rope can do is far more than that! Take out the basket and stretch the rope, put one end inside the basket with the rest hanging, performer gives it a magic snap, the rope begins to crawl upwards slowly and visibly.It just "walks" into the basket itself finally. A utility magic,wow people, plays big.Rope can be tossed out for examination.
We will supply you specially made Snake Charmer’s Flute (Been) also Music CD of Snake Charmer’s Music.
The complete outfit is folding for trouble-free transportation.
You can perform this effect completely surrounded .
We supply everything that's required:
· The Collapse Table
· The Woven Basket
· The Length of Rope(s)
· The Snake Charmer’s Flute (Been), with the essential electronics all inbuilt
· Music CD of Snake Charmer’s Music
· Complete with Detailed video Instructions
Shipping the product has a dimensional weight: 7.5kg
The product actual weight:2.6kg
You can do the effects shown in the following videos with this trick.