视频演示: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTU1OTIxNDg=.html
Vanishing Cigarette Case - Trick
You show a cigarette box, open it up to show it is full of cigarettes but decide not to smoke for now.You close the pack, place it into a case. When you turn the case over, the whole pack has unmistakenly, completely vanished!
This is a different version of the Disappearing Cards & Case but using REAL cigarettes and a REAL cigarette case. They are not printed cardboard but each is a real pack of cigarettes and are all handmade with precision! The black case is made in high quality plastic, not cardboard!
Use this with all your cigarette routines and your non-cigarette routines as well. Perfect for stop-smoking messages and good gag to perform in no smoking locations. Of course, doing it reverse will make this an appearing cigarettes trick.
Dimension Approximately 2 7/8" x 3 5/8" (7.3cm x 9.2cm)
DEMO: https://youtu.be/83aSYByScys