Digital Dissolve 终极硬币交换(怀特变换硬币)
Dan White与Jamie Schoolcraft设计构思创作,Digital Dissolve诞生,这可能是你所见过蕞干净、蕞简单、蕞直接、蕞视觉的Copper&Silver(铜币银币转换)魔术。
Digital Dissolve特点: 1.上手简单 2.准备迅速 3.效果直接、视觉 4.表演前后皆可检查 5.可借观众的硬币表演 6.道具做工精良、非消耗品
新宣传片演示 点击播放:
旧宣传片演示 点击播放:
Digital Dissolve + gimmick
A half dollar is placed into a spectator's closed hand. You rest a copper English penny on the back of that same hand, and the copper coin visually changes into the half dollar. The coin is immediately shown on both sides. The spectator opens their hand to find the English penny. Both coins can be fully examined, immediately.
With precision made coins created by Steve Dusheck and handcrafted by Jamie Schoolcraft, Digital Dissolve takes coin magic to the next level. A transposition worthy of the reactions it receives.
With the DVD set, you'll also receive the digital bonus manuscript by Steve Dusheck, creator of Copper/Silver Transpo-- the original routine on which the Digital Dissolve handling is based.
Digital Dissolve-- BJ Bueno's handling of Steve Dusheck's original C/S Transpo-- is taught on this DVD by Dan White (Consultant to David Blaine).
Dan has been performing the effect for years, and he gives detailed instructions on every nuance of the effect, complete with real world street performances to total strangers on the streets of Las Vegas.
Available in a high resolution DVD format with top notch production by the theory11 team, you will learn the ins and outs of the effect. The psychology, the misdirection, the moves. Even the bonus manuscript (digital PDF). It's all here.