STEP 1 first get two cards and hold them togather to appear as one card
STEP 2 Now when doing the trick, make sure that your finger tips are parellel to the spectator, and that your hand is at such an angel that your fingers cover your thumb. This trick is exellent to do in front of a camera, because you have to make sure from your wrist over cannot be seen.
STEP 3 Now begin to turn the cards (as one) with your fingers, when parellel, and about to have the back face the spectator, slip your thumb in between the to cards
STEP 4 Now, quickley with your index finger , curl the card around the edge of your thumb, while doing so continue turning the other card so that its back is facing the spectator, and hiding the other card. 什么牌子的染发剂好去皱颈椎保健枕非常好左旋肉碱哪个牌子好推荐好用吗评价丰胸润唇去皱眼霜面膜哪种胶原蛋白效果好去角质日霜推荐品牌好的眼部精华推荐去痘印抗衰老护肤品排行榜
STEP 5 (Now this is why you cannot do this trick slowly.) When curling the card over your thumb, you need to use that momentum, to "throw" the card past your thumb so that its falls at an angle after your wrist.(with your other fingers you are still rotating the other card.)
STEP 6 Now continue to rotate the other card, to reveal a diffrent face