经典久演不衰的舞台节目,一直为广大魔术师喜爱. 全套包抬:黑色飞球专用布一块,镀铬玻璃纤维银球一个和必要的秘密装置.并附赠以下视频演示中魔术师亲自讲解的<<漂浮银球教学光碟>>一片.
影片演示 https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE3NDUyNTg0MA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0
Zombie Ball With Foulard
The Zombie ball rests on a pedestal on your table, cover it with a cloth and it begins to rise under the cloth. It rises above your head, moves back and forth and then rises up to the top of the scarf and comes to rest on the edge. You can turn completely around showing the back of the scarf. The ball appears and vanishes behind the scarf, moves around your back, around your neck.
These are just a few of the many moves that can be performed with this 12cm diameter polished ball.
Includes everything you need shiny zombie ball, gimmick, and it even includes the foulard (scarf).
Lowest price anywhere!
Diameter: 12cm
The dimensional weight (shippment): 1.3kg Actual weight of the product: 0.23kg
DEMO: https://youtu.be/HAQYLWaYcKs 备注说明视频演示