
读心钥匙扣 Celestar by Dr. Cyril Thomas
读心钥匙扣 是一款极具创意且实用的魔术道具,其巧妙的设计会让你在每次使用时都露出会心一笑。
魔术效果: 你可以利用 读心钥匙扣 创造令人惊叹的视觉奇迹——星星的影子会神秘地移动、重新排列,最终拼出两张被选中的牌的名称!
- 巧妙设计,实用便捷 —— 无需额外设置,一切都包含在坚固耐用的钥匙扣内。
- 操作简单,新手友好 —— 甚至连一只猫都能学会!
- 学习成本低 —— 一分钟教学 即可上手,轻松带来震撼效果。
- 小巧便携,随时随地表演 —— 轻松携带,随时制造魔法时刻!
读心钥匙扣 魔术道具(高品质耐用塑料)
视频演示: https://new.52magic.cn/u_file/2502/26/file/Celestar.mp4
Celestar – The Starry Card Revelation
A Stellar Gimmick That Redefines Card Magic!
Celestar is one of the most ingenious and practical gimmicks ever created. Its method is so clever and innovative that it will bring a smile to your face every time you use it.
This deceptively simple yet powerful piece of plastic delivers two ultra-visual card revelations in one compact keychain.
Effect: With Celestar, you'll create a mesmerizing illusion where shadows of stars mysteriously move and reshape themselves to reveal the names of two chosen cards—a visual spectacle like no other!
Why You'll Love It:
- Ingenious & Practical – No extra setup, everything is self-contained within a durable, unbreakable keychain.
- Super Easy to Use – If my cat Gaston could master it, so can you! 😆
- Instant Learning Curve – Just a minute of tuition and you're ready to practice and amaze.
- Compact & Always Ready – Carry it anywhere and create magic anytime.
- Celestar Gimmick (High-quality, durable plastic)
- Keychain Attachment (For easy portability)
- Polishing Paper (To keep it in top condition)
Straight out of space—this magic will make stars shine in your audience’s eyes!
Demo: https://youtu.be/p6A_YYl4Rdg