效果1:撕牌还原 魔术师把观众选出的牌撕掉一个角,撕掉的牌角在魔术师手中消失不见,魔术师把缺角的牌放在牌盒上,另一只手从上面轻轻略过,缺角的瞬间恢复成正常的完整的牌,而且还可以交给观众检查!
效果2:牌入牌盒 魔术师展示一个空牌盒,并让观众选择一张牌,并放回整副牌中,不需要任何偷牌的手法,魔术师简单洗洗牌后,再次打开,观众的牌竟然从牌叠中消失不见了,打开牌盒,已经跑到了牌盒中!
效果3:超级预言 魔术师在表演开始之前拿出一张预言牌放在牌盒上,然后让观众任意选择一张牌,整个过程没有任何的强选,观众甚至可以任意想一张牌,然后拿出来并在牌上签名,没有任何多余的动作,魔术师把整副牌在桌子上展开,这个时候观众以为魔术师肯定找不到他选的牌,魔术师慢慢拿起了一开始放在盒子上的牌!竟然就是观众的签名牌!
Ultra Switch
This is a practical card trick that can be used in close-up performance.
Effect 1: Tear and Restore The magician tears off a corner of the card chosen by the audience. When his hand skims over the torn card, the card instantly restores to a complete card, and it can be handed over to the audience for inspection.
Effect 2: Card into the Box The magician shows an empty card box and asks the audience to choose a card and put it back into the deck. Without any sleight of stealing card, spread the deck again and the chosen card of the audience disappears. It comes into the card box!
Effect 3: Super Prediction Before the magic starts, the magician takes out a prediction card and puts it on the card box, and then asks the audience to freely choose a card and sign it. No force. The magician picks up the card that were placed on the box at the beginning and it turns out to be the audience's signed card! How is this possible?
I can't believe that these three effects can be achieved by one trick. The expansion of this trick is too powerful. It can be perfectly hidden in a deck of cards and does not affect your other performance. The card box can be checked before the show! You will never regret buying it!
Comes with the prop and instructional video. Please supply your own deck of cards.
DEMO: https://youtu.be/xgJ7TJVQqis