效果1: 魔术师展示了一个零钱包里面装有很多珍藏的硬币,接着向观众借一枚硬币并让他签名,也将其放入钱包中。摇晃一下钱包,听到各种硬币碰撞的声音。然后打开钱包将所有东西倒出,观众却没有找到他那枚签名的硬币,但发现了一个黄铜的小盒子,他打开密封的铜盒,里面还有一个铜盒,然后打开发现了自己那枚签名硬币!
效果2: 将观众的签名硬币盖上手帕,让观众拿好。魔术师拿出一个铜盒,打了一个响指,观众松开手帕时硬币消失了!观众打开双层铜盒,发现里面正是自己那枚消失的签名硬币!
特点: -所有这些都是在观众的眼皮底下完成的, -可以四面近景围观表演, -没场地限制, -不用任何手法, -适合初学者. -两个铜盒观众可以检查,不必担心被发现任何问题! -高品质和令人赞叹的效果!
Double Brass Box
Effect 1: The performer displays a coin purse that contains a lot of collected coins. A spectator is asked to sign a coin and put it inside the purse. The purse is shaked along with coins rattling inside. Then the purse is opened again and the spectator doesen't find his signed coin, but there is a small brass box. He opens the sealed box, there's another sealed box inside, and the missing signed coin is found in it!
Effect 2: A borrowed signed coin is placed within the folds of a handkerchief and retained by the spectator. The performer shows a brass box and when he snaps his fingers, the hank is shown empty as the coin has vanished. The spectator is asked to open both sealed box and finds the missing signed coin inside!
You can replace the signed coin with a borrowed ring, prediction paper and so on.
All of this is done in full view of the audience. Both boxes are actually sealed and can be examined by audience. High quality and a mind-blowing effect!
Comes with two nesting brass boxes, a black handkerchief and video instruction. Please supply your own coin purse.