迈克尔 克罗斯(Michael Close)最近一次评论: 迪安在魔术城表演这一魔术给我看,我非常高兴能看见他表演,因为只是解释和描述表演效果怎样是没趣的。迪安拿出一个漂亮的樱桃木色的盒子,盒子的一边大概七英寸长,盒子表面上有一个靠铰链转动的门,门可以打开,透过门能看见盒子内的所有东西。盒子的另外两边各有一个圆形的可以被打开的口子。这两个口子被中间一个能打开的装饰物覆盖着,可以把东西插入盒子里但不允许观众从旁边看盒子里面。在盒子的上方有一个圆形的能活动的小盖子,小盖子的两边又有两个凹口,凹口的作用是能把弯曲绳子从顶部突出。现在你大概有了个影响这个盒子是怎样的,接下来是将要发生的事。 迪安拿出两条绳索一条白色一条红色,绳子和盒子都可以被观众仔细的检查。盒子是关上的,迪安两手拿着绳子且在每条绳子上做了绳圈,手从盒子的两侧伸入盒子里,绳子的两头在整个表演过程都是看得到的,迪安用手把绳子从盒子内部通过顶盖伸出然后移开右手,再用右手从外面上方顶盖处提起两条绳子,然后关上顶盖。绳子的一部分被截留在盖子的凹口处,两条绳子的中间部分是被隐藏在箱子里的。即使两条绳子的两端在表演时一直都是留在盒子外被观众看道的,但当迪安打开他的手时,两根绳子看上去却连在了一起。两手分别拿着绳子,通过盒子顶部能看到两条绳是孤立的。但两条绳子却确自己连在了一起而且还能让观众检查。一个阶段内第二个手法两条绳子连在一起第二次,此种情况简直无法让人相信。一个阶段内第三个手法一个直径二英寸的戒指把自己连到了绳子里,即使绳子的两端在整个表演过程中被人看着(这最后一个阶段增加了一个听觉方面的效果手法。迪安展示他右手的硬币然后右手迅速的从右边口子里伸入箱子,你能听到戒指在盒子里的碰撞声,然后迅速打开盒子,戒指被穿在了绳子上。) 就向我之前说的,一个简单的描述并不能公正的说明这个戏法到底怎样另人莫名其妙。我知道他的第一阶段是怎样做到(这是一个保罗克力-Paul Curry的手法),但第二第三阶段我完全糊涂了。事实上所有他表演所用的道具在表演前表演后都可以让你仔细检查,这个手法将会使观众麻木一段时间。 好了,现在我们来谈谈迪安盒子的另一方面。这可不是一个便宜的戏法,255美元就能满足你的好奇。你可以提着这个盒子一桌一桌的给人们表演,虽然会惹些争议,但幸运的是这个盒子只需桌面上小小的面积就可以完成表演。(我曾经在霍迪尼沙发上表演过,但我更有优势可以在表演时把小道具藏在三角钢琴后,同时,因为我在酒吧而不是酒店工作,我不用去担心那些桌子因太凌乱而无法表演。)我想这个魔术更适合那些在家里招待客人门的人表演。这个盒子看上去非常的别致,很合适你其他的魔法收藏品。这个戏法不是很难-要是有谁能用这个箱子玩出其他花样,他们将是非常棒的人。如果有谁认为这是个结构非常复杂的盒子那恐怕要失望了。这个盒子是将近完美的,其实这里有一个诡秘的机关在盒子里,但这一点无论在多严密的检查下都不会被发现。
大卫威廉森(David Williamson)评论: “箱子是空的,绳子是真的,环是实心固体的,它们再次让我变成了一个小孩,我已经很久从来没像这样感觉自己那么愚蠢了。这 个恶魔的戏法再次验证了到底什么才是好的魔术。手法非常简单,强大,且将要成为一个一流的手法。这个盒子构造非常之精美,手法也是如此。它将把每个看过他的人变成笨蛋,没一个例外。。。。。。”
包装尺寸约 2.17kg 27*27*26cm
Dean Box (Dean Dill)
One of the most talked about effects when it was introduced at the 2001 World Magic Seminar - continues to be just as dynamic many years later. That's why we are featuring it again, in our "featured items" section, as it's just too good to be buried deep on our website. It is elegant magic at its best, wonderfully constructed with meticulous detail and craftsmanship.
This is truly reputation making magic and we can't suggest more! It's easy to learn and when you do, it's one of those amazing effects that allow you to focus almost 100% on the routine and performance. It's also an effect that you can perform with confidence, and once you learn how to execute it, it's like riding a bicycle (you can pick it up after a long time and immediately perform it).
Side Note: At a T.O.A.M. Convention a few years ago, I had the pleasure of teaching this effect to a blind (visually challenged) magician. I'll never forget how amazed I was with respect to his amazing ability he had working with this hands. He made me realize this is the best method to learn this effect, think with your hands. - Mark Stevens
Effect: The performer is able to link two regular ropes (one red, the other white) "inside the box" while both rope ends remain outside the box! In fact, he can even have the spectator hold the two ends while the magic happens.
While there are a variety of routines that can be performed, the standard is where you link these two ropes several times, in different ways, all the time when the ends of the ropes are outside of the box and in total and absolute view of the spectators.
In fact, on one of the several attempts, you can actually open up the lid of the box so the spectators can not only see the ends of all the ropes are outside the box, but by looking inside the box - they can also confirm the two ropes are completely separate and independent from each other (not connected in any way). Just by closing the lid, and having two spectators hold tightly both ends of the two ropes and pull on them. Of course, the assumption is the two different colored ropes will be pulled right through the holes of the box - but in fact, the two ropes magically become connected - and a mini tug of war is created as both spectators attempt to pull their ropes out, but can't because they are connected!
What??? Just a few seconds ago the spectators could clearly see the inside of the box that showed the two ropes completely independent?
You want a strong close? Put either of the two ropes in the box with the ends exposed, now show a solid ring (which can also be examined) and simply toss it in the box. "Cha-Ching!" The performer opens the front side panel to reveal the magic - The Ring has penetrated the Rope!
The Box is examinable, made from beautiful mahogany wood and has two curtained openings, one on each side. There is also a trap door on top, as well as an opening panel in the front.
"This is exceptionally powerful magic, something that you will treasure and use again and again." -- Joe Stevens
"It is rare for me to be fooled by a trick, and this trick completely fooled me twice." --Michael Close
The dimensional weight (shipment): 3.52kg Actual weight of the product: 1.3kg
DEMO: https://youtu.be/QPQF-Ibofls
https://youtu.be/YEG9K6Jw8vc 备注说明国外网站价格:$255.00