演示2: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzgyNzM5MTgzMg==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1
Got It Covered
An Amazing Umbrella "Card Sword"
EFFECT: The magician has three cards selected and shuffles them back into the deck.
He then displays a large (almost 3 and 1/2 feet long) white umbrella. He tosses all of the cards into the air and stabs at them with the umbrella. Stuck to the tip of the umbrella is one of the selections and another has been completely pierced by the umbrella!
Two out of three aint bad...but it looks like you missed the third selection.
Cautioning the audience not to fear, the magician opens up the umbrella and the third selection is seen printed on the fabric!
* All the Benefits of Normal Card Sword Routines Plus The Extra Surprise Finish.
* Includes a Very Well Made Umbrella Built to Last.
Dimensional weight (shippment): 1.8kg
Actual weight of the product: 0.7kg
Demo: https://youtu.be/-D-zjfXl3Go